Webinar: What do you say after you get an e-mail – OTKAZANO
Presentation of the theme and purpose:
With new technology, people are using more and more e-mails for their first contact with professionals in helping professions. Sometimes their e-mails are full of personal data and questions and some are just simple inquiries about when they can come to our office or when they can call us. And also our responses are different – sometimes are easy to answer and some other times we don`t know what to write, how to respond, and even how to handle some of our own emotional responses.
Sometimes it seems like we are on a special mission – we have to answer short e-mails, we have to give correct answers and with proper information. It is important also to give validation of the problem and encouragement. We have to do this usually in a very short time to somebody we do not see or even don`t know their name and age, neither we do not know if he or she will ever send the e-mail back.
Underlying theories:
To answer a simple e-mail like “Hi, my best friend told me it would be good to talk with somebody because I am angry a lot of times. I don`t feel good, because I am not successful with my study and I can`t get higher grades. And I don`t actually know if talking with you can help me, but let`s try. Do you have any time? Can we see each other online?” seems an easy job at first look, but we often have to read what is behind the lines: What is he/she feeling or thinking? We must search for writer’s resources and try to estimate the severity of the unfulfilled needs. This is where integrative TA interventions inquiry, involvement, and attunement can be very helpful for us and them (Erskine, 1993). Tree analogy of personal development can also be a good platform to consider when preparing the answer (Šraj&Repinc Zupančič, 2015).
Methods: In the workshop, I will introduce some important points that we as counselors, and therapists should be careful about when we are answering the kids/youth/adult. I will also share with you some e-mails, invite you to answer them with all important subjects such answer has to have.
Workshop language: simple English from the presenter, participants are welcome to speak Croatian
Barbara Repinc Zupančič, pedagog and sociologist, STA –P, TTA (P)
I have worked in different areas of social care in the past (drug addiction, domestic violence, youth in crisis), and I have had my own private practice for 14 years, where I work with adolescents and individual adult clients. My main interest is working with trauma and existential anxiety. It is a pleasure for me to be a teacher and supervisor for TA students in Slovenia and abroad. I also supervise counselors and volunteers in different associations. I am a member of Sloventa, EATA, and the European Interdisciplinary Association for Therapy with Children and Young people EIATCYP (Ethics Officer). I enjoy life with my family and friends.
Webinar je namijenjen: psihoterapeutima i savjetodavnim terapeutima, studentima psihoterapije, psiholozima, socijalnim pedagozima, psihijatrima, edukacijskim rehablitatorima, socijalnim radnicima te drugim srodnim strukama.
For whom is this webinar attended: mental health professionals
When: Thursday, 12.05.2022. od 19.00 do 20.30
Fee: 150,00hrk (21.5eur)
Paying the fee, you booked your place on the webinar.
What will you get: written materials and confirmation for attendance
Please contact us by email for any further assistance: [email protected]
The webinar will be in English without translation.